Friday, June 20, 2014

Oh the highs, oh the lows...

Up at 4.40am.  Down to the Ivanhoe.  Meet Big Sam and little Jack.  Have coffee.  Have ham and cheese croissant.  Get depressed at Suarez's headed goal.  Temporary excitement followed by groaning at every near England miss.  Jump in the air and hug Sammy when Rooney scores.  Stare into my empty coffee cup when Suarez scores again.  Flounce home.  Put running kit on.  Run to work.  Having been up for 4 hours, actually feel pretty good.  Bump into Macca in Kirribilli.  Bit strange.  Have a chat.  Carry on to work.  56:46.  Last time I'll ever do this route.  Momentarily reminisce.  But in my new house I shall be able to run around Nolan Reserve barefoot in the dew.  Maybe even naked.


  1. Surely Young Timmy will find you a bet for you to lose and enforce the naked Nolan run!
    Agree I'd be very sentimental about moving home never to run your stock training runs again.

  2. With the amount of graffiti around that oval I wouldn't. Some pretty shady characters around there during the daylight even.
