Saturday, June 21, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:05

So today I did a Quentin on Quentin.  Caught up with Sammy and the boys on the Manly 5.30pm ferry and dragged myself away from 'Lil Jimmy Matthews and J-Fen in the Wharf Bar after a mountain of Coopers Pale Ale at 10.30pm.  Up at 6am to do 12km with Elle before starting Parkrun.  Good crowd today with Quentin, Jamie, Macca, Pete W, Lewis Ingram (who I met for the first time) and others all rocking up.  Wasn't feeling confident after the big night so plan was just to try and stick to Quentin for as long as possible.  But legs felt pretty good after an easy week and I reckon the 12km warmup actually helped.  First km in about 3:08, then about 3:10, then the slow third km in 3:21.  Felt good up the hill on Harbord Rd and realised Q was going to wind it up from there.  Pace got gradually quicker.  Thought that if I stuck on his shoulder he'd get frustrated at some point.  After the bridge and out of the trees I decided to finally hit the front.  He of course reacted, dogged bastard that he is, so it was an all-out sprint from there.

Really pleased with the time - 16:05 feeling pretty comfortable until the final 500m.  Then finished off with another 9.5km with Elle (and Lewis, Jamie, Macca and Jamie's mate for the first 6km) for 26.5km all up.

Finally, proof for all the doubters of my dancing ability - shown here passed on to the next generation:

1 comment:

  1. Mate, you weren't that good - sorry to say.
