Thursday, March 13, 2014

HuRTS 2km reps

Well, thighs much recovered but my right achilles is still very sore.  But decided I needed to get some blood flow into it and was doing it no favours stuck under a desk so headed out to the session.

Copped the usual flack from the HuRTS boys about my sub par performance while Tucks took the plaudits (yet again) then settled into a nice stroll around the reps with current HuRTS #1 himself, Mr Tuckey.  Not much more to report.  Barts looked strong upfront dropping Andy C and Clarkey.  Timmy is getting back staying with Mikey's group and Andy acts more like Ray by the day.

Need to persuade Andy C to run for the English at SMH Half.  The Churchill/Sands Cup is at stake and the bulldogs are struggling.

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