Sunday, March 16, 2014

Getting back Sunday

Intended on going out yesterday afternoon but was emotionally spent after BUYING A HOUSE!  Yep, we're moving.  Going to have to reset all my training runs.

Faulty house alarm kept us up last night and, after sinking a coupley of bottles of red celebrating, I was in no shape to get out early with Dicky and Quentin.  Set out at 11am.  Just did flat loops of Manly for 26km untimed.  Stopped to chat variously to LF Charlie, Quentin, Eamo and Stu Truman.  Although I was barely breathing I just started slowing to a plod over the last 3kms, reminiscent of Six Foot 8 days prior.  So I decided to fully recreate the experience by walking up the final hill.

Right achilles sore the whole way.

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