Friday, August 16, 2013

Health Assessment

Ran to work dead easy untimed on another beautiful day. I'd post a photo from my office but Timmy gets upset when I do that.

106km for the week.

Had my annual health check at 11.30am. Only really interested in an accurate weigh-in and the cholesterol levels. These were the results (comparison to last year).

Weight: 65.2kg (68.3kg)
Resting pulse: 37 (42)
BMI: 19.7 (20.6)
Blood pressure: 115/65 (118/60)
Good cholesterol: 1.9 (1.7)
Bad cholesterol: 2.5 (2.4)
Adjusted age: 27 (27)

Pleased with the resting pulse result. Almost got my Dad's PB there too. I think he got his down to about 32. Mum used to say it was like listening to someone bang slowly on a bass drum.

Looking forward to seeing Ezekiel Kemboi on the SBS highlights tonight, one of my favourite runners. Now double Olympic and triple World Champion. Beaten by the young upstart Kipruto every time they've raced this season until the big one when the wily old fella showed him how it's done. Bit like me and Barts leading up to Berlin...

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