Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fast finish Sat

Up early doors after a pretty poor night's sleep. Met Andy, Ray, Binfield, Big Sam and Banksy outside and we were off for the usual route.

Somehow managed to leave my orthotics at work last night so ran without them which immediately felt weird. My stride was much shorter (JB said subconsciously protecting my achilles) but cadence was higher. Funnily enough it felt easier running. Nice and easy until Narrabeen chatting the whole way. Banksy then lifted the pace a bit and coming back around Narrabeen lake we were already running 4:00 kms but felt fine doing so. Back past Warringah Mall and I wanted to get the pace down to 3:40's and Ray and Andy were following. Final 5km and I tried to get down to target marathon pace of 3:30's. Ray dropped off here and I had to work hard for it but managed the final 5km in 17:23 (passing LF Charlie and Ellie in the process which lifted the spirits). Final 10km was 36:02.

Tired at the end and just want to sleep this afternoon. Great running all round with Sam doing 30km in 4:10's (he could yet run Berlin if he continues this rate of improvement) and Andy even doing 40km in 4:13's after an earlier warm up. All up 35km for me in 2:22:04 (4:03's).

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