Thursday, October 04, 2012

Stephen Thurston

Got a lunch on today so headed out on my Manly 14km route early doors, bumping into Macca and having a brief chat in the first km. Plan was to go slightly quicker than normal but still keep it comfortable. 28:16 at the turn and 55:30 all up (3:57's). Beautiful day.

Thurston (aka Wildman) is undoubtedly the most talented runner to be part of the HuRT Squad. I first bumped into him circa 2006 kicking my ass on the long section on Pain in the Domain. It was another 18 months later that Durante brought his fellow workmate along to HuRTs, claiming he had a bit of talent. He ran with us for a couple of weeks and then, half fit, would do each session way out in front, circling back every now and then for a chat. He's had as many ups and downs as Gary Glitter. Should have made the Olympics in 2000. Mini comeback after joining HuRTS that won him the JPMorgan CCC in 2008 before falling off the wagon again. Doubled in size, spent his first subsequent comeback session hiding behind a bush embarrassed to show how unfit he was. Bounced back in 2011 to finish 6th in City to Surf and 2nd in the Burnie 10km in 30:00. Had some health issues recently but reputedly back running again. I'm having a couple of beers with him tonight. Dangerous and leads me astray, but an all round good bloke.

This photo (Steve at right) in the colours of St George with Chadi, Tim Rowe and a hairy Benny St, probably best sums him up:

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