Sunday, October 07, 2012

Andy Heyden

Friday was a very easy Manly 14km route early doors with a hangover courtesy of beers the night before with Wildman, Kanser and Andy. 31:26 at the turn and 62:18 all up. Saturday was 2nd place in the Fitzroy Falls 10km. Hilly and rocky in parts and no good for my back. First guy was way ahead and I eased into 2nd place at 3km and from there ran alone. 37:30 all up and a hard hit out as opposed to a race. Today was 2hours early doors from Bowral Park Farm along Tourist Road and back. Hillier than I thought but just over 28km for 4:17's.

Not sure when Andy joined us but he arrived with his cheeky chappy English accent and proceeded to steadily improve back to the form that saw him run some speedy London marathons before coming out to Oz. He's rarely lost form since and always runs an honest race. Much more competitive than his amiable exterior suggests, although he finds it impossible to run past a cameraman without smiling and raising his thumb. He beat me (and Tucks) once up at North Head on the windiest day ever when he ran a very impressive 34:00 despite everyone else running 90s slower than normal. Unfortunately he has shown inklings of turning to the dark side in recent years with a couple of Ultra's, but at least when he does them he represents Australia so isn't mucking about. I think the photonbelow is of him doing an Ultra for Australia. Either that or a race walk. Likes a chat. Loves a beer. An all round good bloke.


  1. Me and you have only raced twice in the past, both ties we shared words and a hand shake and from time to time Ive read your profile and i gotta say I really love reading about the great runners you have/are training with.

  2. Hey Brett, good to hear from you. I'm guessing you smashed me in both races. Would be good to see you racing again soon.
