Sunday, January 15, 2012

Super long

Up at 5.30am (yikes) for a long run with Big Sam. We did our pre-Gold Coast route up to Narrabeen Caravan Park and around the Lake coming back via Dee Why front and the beaches. The first few km was one foot in front of the other stuff in 4:48's wondering how I was going to get through this. Then we hit our stride between 10km and 20km on the new path around the Lake and struggled home from Dee Why. Sam has bags of stamina. Despite very little training he still manages to keep the pace honest past 30km. All up 35.82km in 2:41:51 (4:31's).

I then had 30 mins rest (and a bath) before heading out with the kids for their run. We ran Queenscliff to Shelley and back (5km) in 26:12 (5:15's). I was struggling to hang on to them in the final km.

Now farked.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Tom,top story.hey any fear of Liv,the kids,her granny and I ,plus auld timmy staying with the highness chez in the blue mountains on six foot weekend now that we have qualified."....... Look out mate I am on you trail. Thanks
