Saturday, January 14, 2012

State 5000m

Didnt know what to expect today. Only had 3 weeks of proper training but had been pretty pleased with the way things were going. Decided that anything sub 16:10 would be OK but with a stretch aim of going sub16. I was a nightmare to be with all day so have to thanks Kirst for her patience. Drove all the kids out to watch and form a great cheer squad.

Did about 5kms warm up with Macca while watching the earlier races and getting even more apprehensive. When the leaders in Race D go through the first km in 3:11 you get scared about what Race B is going to be like. Lined up on the outside and we were off in very good conditions - about 22C, slight drizzle and no wind. Everyone dawdled through the first 200m in 38s so I look the lead, much to my kids delight who went nuts on the sidelines. First km in about 3:09, after an injection of pace from someone at 800m which left me in 5th place. Don't know what 2km was in but someone seemed to be shouting lap times of about 75 or 76 each lap which sounded good. 3km was reached in 9:28 and at this stage I'm just staring at the back of the chap in front (Chamkaur), hoping for the laps to pass without the wheels falling off. A couple of others had gone past, Chamkaur slows a bit so I try to put a real effort in over the final 2 laps. Finish down the home straight with the legs going lactic which is always a good sign.

Chuffed to bits to get under 16 and run 15:52 at this stage of training. Macca also seemed to enjoy his first ever track race running a 16:51 but without the benefit of someone to draught behind. Watched most of the girls race (where Emily Brichacek was mightily impressive) cheering Laura on who ran a great 17:55.

Results here:

Chadi ran a superb 15:03 in the A race. Looks like CT must have blown up trying to stick to the big guns as he came in in 15:50 despite his training suggesting he was capable of something close to Chadi. It still gets him one up on the head to heads.


  1. Great effort Tom, very impressed!
    Liked your pensive behaviour and the cheer squad family. Hope you run more track.
    In the A race Rickets was flying on the last lap but I cant understand running pedestrian pace all race then blasting last lap just for the win - not in my psyche.

  2. Didn't see the A race Dave but heard about it. All the big guns were missing so I'm guessing he was just going for the win and a rare State title. 56 final lap is impressive even at the top level.
