Friday, January 27, 2012

Kangaroo Valley

12km from the village and then up Upper Kangaroo River Road easy in 52:08 (4:20's). Right knee still sore after trying the ski exercises last night (the ones I used for Runner's knee). Didn't work, just made things more sore. Aggravated my adductor which I think is the root of the problem.

Saw some Kangaroos in the village at the end. Never seen Kangaroos in Kangaroo Valley before. I thought the name was a joke.

127km for week.


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Ever heard of taking a few days off? No impact on fitness in short term and will prevent you having to take 1+ months off with a more major injury

  2. Can't take a day off. Promised myself I'd run every day in Jan.
