Thursday, January 26, 2012

HuRT Squad come to Manly

Australia Day today so Kanser, J-Fen, Bartles, Timmy, Big Sam and Macca all came over to my place for a 16.5km tempo at 3:45 pace. It was wet but warm and pretty humid - so much so that I had sweat dripping off my face from 2km in. Went through the first km in 3:41ish but my Garmin was throwing out random figures so I was running blind and relying on the others. All stayed as a group for the first few km before Big Sam and Timmy dropped off the back running together.

Pace was slightly uncomfortable the whole way. If you ever felt comfortable, you knew the pace had dropped to 3:48 or thereabouts. After the turn at Shelley Beach J-Fen picked the pace up and we pretty much ran 3:40's all the way back. Kanser dropped off at 11kmish and must have been dehydrated as he started to feel sick. Coming back towards Campbell Parade I suddenly started feeling pretty good so took a turn at the front pushing the pace. With a couple of km to go it was just J-Fen and myself and we ran back together to the finish. All up 16.4km in 1:01:06 (3:43's).

Now off to Berry Mountain.

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