Thursday, January 12, 2012

HuRTs 4 x 2km

Big crowd on a beautiful day. Bit of a headwind on reps 1 and 3 which I shared with the front guys (Fast Charlie, Scotty O and Andy). Hell, even Timmy gave it a pop today. Although pop he went at the halfway mark on each rep. J-Fen was taking it easy and Tucks and Kanser were nowhere to be seen. Nice to Fats making a welcome return.

Reps went:


First one didn't feel any easier than the rest despite the time difference. I was struggling to hold on to Fast Charlie and Scotty O today, and Andy put in a really good effort on the final rep.

Reps were run off a rolling 9 minutes.

Just checked and it's a year (Jan 27 2011) since I last did this session. I must pussy out of Thursday sessions frequently. Back then I ran:


(2 seconds per rep quicker) so not too bad.

Christ, forgot to mention that partner in crime Durante fronted up today for the first proper session in, probably 3 years. He may have been struggling to keep up with MC but it didn't stop him having a pop about my slappy feet...

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