Thursday, January 12, 2012

Health check and easy run

Had my annual health check today. Weight 68.3kg (up 1.7kg from last year and 4kg from 2007 and 2008!). I'm hoping it's all muscle. Resting heart rate 42. BMI 20.6. Blood pressure 118/60. Good cholesterol of 1.7 and bad of 2.6 (good result says the doc). Adjusted age of 27 which sounds nice. Having said that, at 27 I was about 78kg, binge drinking every night and eating 4 doughnuts a day.

Ran home feeling very energy depleted as I'd had to fast most of the morning and hadn't eaten enough afterwards. 57:48 despite a cool following wind seemingly the whole way.

I've entered the State 5000m. The family are making a rare outing to come and watch. This normally guarantees me a bad run.

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