Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The rot sets in

Saturday was a rest. Sunday was fulflling my duty as the ANSW rep (Mens) for the Striders at the ANSW Relays out at Homebush. After fiddling around with the teams for a week I found myself down to run in the 4 x 800m (160+) with Mat Kaley, Ray and Anna. Mat ran a great first leg in 2:09, Ray backed up with a 2:12, Anna got us into 2nd place with a 2:30 (first ever track race!) and I took over the last leg with Michael Doggett right behind me. I was a pussy from the start, running it like a 3000m race trying to conserve some energy. Doggett came past at 200m and just ran away from me. Eventually finished in 2:13 with my tail between my legs (and swollen achilles). At least we got a bronze medal. Jogged 6km in the 34C heat as a "warmdown".

Monday rode to work and back feeling good but didn't run as the achilles was sensitive. Took Voltaren last night just to try and blast away the swelling (it's already a lot more supple). Rode to work this morning then showed up to the HuRTS session today (45min fartlek) and just ran 6.75km very easy with Pete W, Sonya, Emma and James V. Will ride home in the rain shortly. I might become a cyclist. There's not enough gear to buy with just running.


  1. Crikey. That's a pretty sh*te performance from you. I ran a 2:13 at Gateshead stadium when I was 17. I was expecting better from you than that. You let yourself down, your team down, etc. etc.

  2. .... Not to mention the HuRTS team Jimmy James, I think he's finished and may have to go to the world of triathlon next season????

  3. With his swimming ability, I think he'd be better off taking up darts or snooker. Judging from the belly, I'd say he's already half-way there to becoming a darts champion...
