Monday, November 28, 2011

Piling it on

..the weight that is, not the training.

Wednesday was a rest and too wet to ride in.

Thursday was an easy 7km joining in a few of the Gate to Gates at the back. No bike though as too wet again.

Friday was recovery from our client Christmas party.

Saturday was 6km picking the car up from the International Hotel Management School after another function (it's silly season) and 10 mins sweating it out on the spin bike doing a minute resistance and minute spin.

Sunday was another easy 6km and 20 mins on the spin bike doing 2 mins resistance, 2 mins spin.

Today was a very easy 8km with the HuRT Squad including MC, Kanser, Clyde, Mat K, Craig, James V, Indrajeet, Laura etc. Rode in and out too. Finally the weather is perfect again.

Have gained 4kg in 3 weeks and now weigh 70.3kg. My singlets feel snug. But good news is that the achilles feels heaps better. Swelling right down, no pain, have increased the weight on my back doing the eccentric loading and booked in to see the Butcher of Bondi tomorrow. So things are looking up.

Big shout to my eldest brother Jamie for running 2:49 in the Florence Marathon yesterday. Fantastic result. Plainly he's been listening to the wise counsel of his little brother.

1 comment:

  1. Tom fancy a race this weekend?
    [I'm thinking about head to head!;) ]
