Saturday, July 16, 2011

Usual Saturday

Headed out for the usual Saturday 14km route. Felt fine to start with running at about 4min kms (the Garmin ran out at 2km) but got tired at about 8km and struggled home to be honest. In fact, stopped at Campbell Pde at 11.5km where Alec had been looking after the kids. He'd been timing them doing laps around the 650m bike track so plainly is as competitive as me. Jogged the final 2.5km after that. Might pass on the long run tomorrow and just do more of the same rather than pushing too early. I really missed Kirsten so I might give tomorrow's run a miss and spend the day with her. I just don't know what I would do without her.


  1. Someone's been hacking into my account...

  2. I thought that post ended unusually!

  3. That is very funny. Ali doesn't approve of my blog as she sees it as a pitiful attempt to get attention. She may be right.........Nah!
