Friday, July 22, 2011

Running! (Part 2)

Last Saturday I said I struggled towards the end. Woke up Sunday feeling like crap, went to the doctor who prescribed me strong antibiotics for a chest infection and sinusitis. So no running until today.

Unfortunately, today wasn't the best day to start up again - freezing cold and bucketing down with rain. Dicky Green (who claims to be a Northerner) sent an email saying that even mad poms wouldn't be going out today. Wasn't having a bar of that. Put my Gore-tex jacket on and leapt into it. After your hair gets soaked within the first 20 seconds, it's not too bad. Ran past LF Charlie and Pete W before bumping into Quentin and started running with him. Then who should pop out from behind a tree but Tucks, so the Three Amigos all ran together just like every other race this season.

All up 10km in 42 mins. Nice to be back into it, feeling a bit better this time.

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