Thursday, June 02, 2011

They're dropping like flies

Quentin out (that jettisons race plan #1). JF doubtful. Andy doubtful. It's the big race pressure. Only MC seems to be reacting in the right way, running angry after the naysayers predicted him conservative race times. Young Timmy's scared. Chances are our Stoke FC schoolboy reject will be developing Enda style flu in the next 24 hours.

Busy at work again but popped out this evening for 8km with five 40s - 60s fast patches interspersed. Felt good.

1 comment:

  1. Mate the way they are dropping Mikey Conway could be the new FAVORITE, He's certainly on fire and it wouldn't surprise me now to see him go sub 35 ?
    As for me - I've got a cold, Gammy leg, and arm amputation, but hey they make em tough up Stoke so i'll be there :)
    good luck.
