Friday, June 03, 2011

Plod City

6.5km jog around the Domain and CQ, bumping into and running with JF and Big Mikey H along the way.

More drop-outs for tomorrow with Dicky H suffering from a dicky ankle. However, the big news (and a major blow for the English contingent in the ongoing battle for the Ashes) is that Wildman is running. So I've updated his estimated time below. Based on my predictions, the 3 man Aussie team will beat the 3 man English team by a whopping 2:XX (feck, nearly gave the game away with my own predicted time).

72km for the week.


  1. Good luck tomorrow Tom. You are in good nick so a PB wouldn't be out of the question. But the big question is will you beat Tucks?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a very conservative prediction for Wildman, I'll bet you $50 he breaks 31:30 and Tim breaks 35:00. I have to get both correct to collect the cash?

  4. Yes good luck Tom, have a great race.
    Just not over 1.50 gap though on me please :)
