Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sick note

Monday, sick. Tuesday, sick. Wednesday, kind of sorry for myself pretending still to be sick. Thursday, slightly tight chest, otherwise fine, decide I need to move my arse if I'm to do this marathon next week. Put on one long sleeved top, one vest and one t-shirt and run outside to discover the sun's shining and it's pretty warm. MC and JF are baring their chests for God's sake and I'm looking like the Michelin Man and starting to sweat.

Fair crowd with MC, Young Timmy, Tucks, Bartles, Enda, Clyde, JF, Ray, Jason and a heap of others fronting for the pyramid session over at Rushcutters. Fast Charlie used the distribution list to attempt to lead a renegade group of hill climbers over the bridge but MC (having learned from his spanking last time he tried the same trick) assured us he sent a stern warning email to our flash friend not to try such backhand tactics again.

The boys did the 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 lap session looking sprightly. Ray and I jogged around. I told Ray he wasn't allowed to talk to me during GCM as I'm a miserable bastard when I race. He said he'd probably be following a few yards behind in that case. He said JB was planning to go out at 3:40s and expected me to be with him. Maybe for 10km I reckon. Getting excited about the marathon now. Will be especially so when I clear my lungs.

Kanser's sick. My money may yet again be at risk. Although MC looked to be struggling to stay with the boys today...


  1. Me too. Woke up monday morning feeling like crap. Must have been that Mosman water.

  2. Said it a few times now - Don't venture over the Bridge to the dark side, you never know what you'll catch :)
    I think you all need to toughen up a bit and get some of that Mikey Conway Harden Up Medicine that he has been taking of late.... Seems to be working for him (at least till the next race)
