Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mini-Mos - 7th in 34:40

Kanser swears by the central governor theory. Essentially, the theory goes that your body performs to the expectations that your mind (your central governor) places on it. I predict I'll do something close to my course PB (34:39) and end up with 34:40.

Did a long warm up of 7km. Rocked up to the start after a brief chat to Wildman to find the money-men had sorted out the places already. Harry Summers, Scott McTaggart, Wildman, Kevin Batt, Tom do Canto and Vlad were all there. They ran off. I was left running with a chap I didn't recognise, he then pulled ahead at 4km when I started to struggle, took a gel at 5km to see if I could stomach it running at race pace, started to come good again at 7km and that was about it. 34:40 felt much harder than I thought it was going to. It's a bloody hard course but others don't seem to struggle with their times as much as I do. I think it's all the hills and corners that disrupt your rythmn which doesn't suit me. Kevin Batt pulled out. Vlad, who was a long way behind the leaders and isolated at 5km ran a very strong second half to regain contact.

Did a 4km warm down with Wildman and Scott McTaggart for 21km all up.


  1. There are ways and means to trick the central governor. Plus when you saw the competition you settled for 7th..don't blame the course Tom also get plenty of Vit C and Zinc into you and rest up..

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I remember it back in the 80's very hilly, there is something though about people believing they can't run hills well and consequently fulfiling their prophecies!
    cheers from Kowanyama!
