Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tempo run in

Missed a run yesterday because I was busy at lunch then wasn't feeling great in the evening - sore throat, aching limbs. Think I overdid it on Tuesday but there are a lot of colds going around the office. Just being a lazy arse really though as I was in two minds.

Got a lunch on today so decided to punish myself with a tempo run in. I hate pushing it in the morning. I'm never fully warmed up and so it feels painful all the way as a result. Decided to try and mitigate this with a 2km easy jog before starting the run. Set off OK, running the first 2kms slightly up hill in 3:40 and 3:46. Got a shout from Dom on his bike at the bottom of Parriwi Rd then a pat on the back from Richard (Work) at the top. Ran 4:11 for the solid Parriwi uphill km. 23:09 at Spit Junction and was going well. 3:40 along Military Rd then started to lose concentration as I got into Neutral Bay. Struggled up the hills in Kirribilli and felt rotten for the drag of a hill over the Harbour Bridge but then suddenly got my second wind as I crested the bridge. Finished all up in 49:20. I think that's my third fastest over the disstance (PB is 48:45 set just before the City to Surf in 2008) but fastest run to work as opposed to home. Really pleased with that as I was hoping for something sub 51.

15km all up.

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