Tuesday, March 22, 2011

HuRTS 45mins Fartlek

On February 24th I said I probably had 2 more weeks until Wildman overtook us. I was a bit premature as it took him 4 but I don't think he'll be looking back now.

After all the rain of the past few days today was bright and sunny but very humid (for Flakey, it was 28C and 89% humidity). The session was bound to be tough as a result. Good crowd of the old timers today including Dicky H, Pete W, Young Timmy, MC, JF, Enda, Rob, JC, Bartles, Wildman, Tucks etc. Young Timmy made a dash to the front that EJ would have been proud of before calming down. I was in the front group with Tucks, Wildman and Bartles. Stayed this way until Circular Quay on the way out when Bartles dropped off - we were pushing the pace quite quick though. Turned just before the second speed bump on Hickson Road which wasn't bad given the detour at the Opera House. At this stage, we were averaging 3:31's. I managed to hold the pace until running under the Harbour Bridge when I started to struggle. Tucks had just dropped off and Stevie was pushing on so it was just a question of hanging on by myself and not letting the elastic snap too hard. Ran through 10km in 35:40 but really struggled around Farm Cove and up the hills with Stevie pulling further ahead. At this stage I was really dragging my feet on the 30s jogs. Finished the 45mins at 12.45km (3:36 average) and jogged back to the gates in 46:23. Caked in sweat and knackered but at least everyone struggled. Tucks cut short by missing out the Opera House, Bartles hit the wall badly. Only Stevie was strong out there today. Km splits show how the humidity affected us. As Richard H pointed out though, it will help us in Singapore.

3:25, 3:24, 3:36, 3:30, 3:29, 3:34, 3:38, 3:29, 3:41, 3:46, 3:45, 3:50 - final 450m at 4:10 pace.

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