Saturday, February 05, 2011

Sun Run

7th in 22:05(ish).

Early morning start a 6.45am kick off so Tiger picked me up at 6.00am before we picked up Quentin and Hamburglar, parking at Curl Curl before jogging the 2km to the start line. Queued for ages for the only toilet in Dee Why before lining up. It was hot this morning (again, sounding like a broken record) and very humid. I was sweating on the start line. Timmy Rowe and Vlad were there so that sorted out the first two places, but it didn't stop a load of young pretenders sprinting off the start line. I thought my legs weren't working as there were loads in front of me but started to overtake them going up the hill.

Went down the other side pretty quick but Quentin and another chap came past at the bottom and immediately gapped me. Overtook a young lad around South Curl Curl SLSC but that's the way it stayed for the rest of the race. It was bloody hilly and I just couldn't get the legs turning over fast enough. Quentin ended up in 5th about 20s in front.

First race since November and I need to do some more. Also need to do some hill work and more tempos. But generally all on track.


  1. well done Tom!
    7th in 22m08
    16secs behind Quentinn.
    I'd have loved to do this race.
    Maybe next year.

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Good running today Tom. Your family is awesome, i'd like to borrow them one day to rough Akira up a bit.

    Despite the suffering, i enjoyed the race and visiting the Northern Beaches, i'll be back if it's on again.

    For the record i picked you up at 5:59.37am

    Love Tiger

  3. Good run Tom. Vlad the 5k on thursday as well.

  4. Great work Tom!

    Don't worry about those hills, there are hardly any in your next race.

  5. Yes, Good work Young Tom, Ditto everyones thoughts. All those Easy sessions you've been doing must be paying off - might have to start including on my sessions :)
