Friday, February 04, 2011

Old Stomping Grounds

Very slow 14km around the old stomping grounds of Balls Head (including the bush track). Team included MC, Ray, Craig (new blog referenced), Brendan, Adam Conquest, LF Charlie and Louis. 69:18.

121km for the week.


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Are we getting a predicted time for you for the 7k Dash tomorrow Tom?
    Nice to see a new BLOG added, lets hope it's not the trash we are used to reading on this forum. Mind you he is a 'Sweaty Sock'... :)
    (Only Joking Craig if your reading)

  2. Thanks for the ad and I hope I don't take away too many of your reader's Tom.....
    Wouldn't mind knowing who anonymous is, but I suspect you will be disappointed!
