Sunday, February 13, 2011

By Jove

CT once said he counted anything over 30minutes as a run. On that basis, this one just sneaks in. Manly 7.5km route in 33:32 after a morning on the Golf course at Elanora. Wanted to end it from the first step. Worst run of 2011.


  1. Going soft Mr H, i ventured over to the dark side this morning and i couldn't even get a cup of tea even after 30ks............whats going on?
    Good job the Kane family looks after us poor souls?

  2. How did the golf go?

  3. At least it wasn't a race as your worst run of 2011.

  4. Dave, Golf was ace. Elanora is golfing heaven, amazing course with mature tree lined fantastic fairways and distant ocean views. Shamed I could do it no justice.
