Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hungover Manly 10.2km

It was always going to be a struggle after a night out with the HuRTS boys. Wildman lived up to his reputation, Kanser didn't mention the injury once, Timmy disappointed us on the Pool table, Fast Charlie flew in from Vegas and MC lasted all of 20 minutes. I could script these things.

Today was a steady 10.2km Manly route. I say steady but about half way around I realised I'd have to work hard to get under 40 minutes so started to push it. 15:45 at Queenscliff, 21:59 at Manly SLSC and 39:54 all up (3:55's). Bumped into Thamal and had a quick chat. Sounds like he's recovering from something similar to JB - a virus brought on by over-training.

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