Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Holy cow Wednesday

Jogged 4km to see Carl this morning. Did a strength session including squats with weights, lots of lateral core work and calf strengthening stuff with 60kgs on my shoulders.

At lunch it was out for the usual 19km route with Wildman, Todd, BK, Andy and RMR. The latter were running very slowly and BK dropped off the pace going up Ocean St so it was Todd, Wildman and myself for the rest of the run. Felt really good today although towards the end my legs were just numb rather than tired. Pretty convenient as it numbed the pain. Wildman is getting stronger with every run, although he did cut slightly short going down the Argyle Steps. Todd is also on very good form. Got a shout from LF Charlie near the end and then who should we see but Young Timmy claiming he tried to run with us but got all confused with the meeting time. I think he did a 6km jog instead.

1:23:43 so slightly quicker in these cooler conditions. Achilles is slightly sore due to my calves being so tight. Need to get the Thera Roll onto them.

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