Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cor Blimey Thursday - HuRTS Hills

Sent a late change of session notice to do hills. Was a late change of heart on my part. Last night the legs were so stiff I thought I'd better not do hills but then recovered pretty well overnight so thought, what the hell, I'm going to have to run up a few in 2 weeks time.

Jogged over to Darling Point with Wildman, Tucks, Clyde, Ray, Chris G, JC, Luke, Dom and Rob. Small but select group. I thought the hill was about 200m long so suggested 10 reps. Turns out it's 350m but we still did 10. It's fairly steep to start with, levels out then really kicks up again at the end. Every rep followed a familiar pattern. Ray would lead out with me behind and Tucks just behind me. Tucks would overtake me on the flatter section then we'd both overtake Ray on the steep section when the lactic kicks in. Averaged all the reps between 88 and 90seconds. Monstered at the end. Chris G very strong on the hills which is why he always does well at Six Foot. Ray also outperforms. Wildman looked buggered but it'll do him the world of good. I reckon I've got two more weeks before he overtakes us.

13.5km all up after the jog to and back.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Nice article on the JPMorgan race website Tom. Reminds me of ours from last year.

    Looking forward to Singapore. JF
