Sunday, January 23, 2011

Very easy Sunday

Was knackered all of yesterday and very lethargic after running U8 Nippers this morning, but went out in the mid-afternoon to test out my new shoes (Asics DS Trainers - have converted given Brooks have discontinued the Infiniti 2). Having said that, given my left plantar fascia has been a bit sore in the mornings I fancied doing some barefoot running to get some flexibility into the foot. So jogged down to Campbell Parade and ran some figure of 8's barefoot. The running stride changes, much shorter and higher cadence but it felt really good. Put the shoes back on to run home and that felt unnatural. Will definitely continue to give this a shot although only once a week for now as the change in running style will lead to injury if I do too much too often. My only concern is flaring up the achilles again. Removed the heel lifts in the new trainers (although still have the orthotics).

10km in 45mins all up.


  1. Have you been reading "Born to Run"?

  2. I have (half way through) but find the writing style a bit annoying. More inspired by Keith Bateman's barefoot running exploits.

  3. you boys both having Achilles issues at the same time!!
