Saturday, January 22, 2011

Long Saturday

With Dickyboy up in the Blue Mountains, I had to fend for myself today. Was a bit worried about getting lost on the bush trails and fancied a change so just did the 3 x Manly 10km loops. Big crowd on Manly beach with the Australian Surf Life Saving Champs taking place, but plenty to distract the monotony of running a slow 30km by myself. Laps went 45:20, 44:45 and 43:42. The last laps was only quicker because I ran past a group of 15 year olds at Queenscliff on the final lap who were about to do some sort of time trial. Sure enough, they came past at North Steyne and I couldn't resist going with them.

31km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Actually just the Manly Carnival Tom. Freshie has one on Australia Day.
