Tuesday, January 04, 2011

More of the same

Same as yesterday, but came the 14km route home as opposed to straight back after reaching the 10km mark. 2km in 8:39, 5km in 20:58, 10km in 40:49 (really pushed the Shelly Beach hill though - 2:19 for that) and 55:23 all up. Felt strong today.

Got a text from Sean this evening asking whether I'd pace Keith through 3km on his way to a 55+ World Record attempt over 5000m at Blacktown tomorrow night. He wants to get to 3km in 9:15. Thought it sounded like a bit of fun so agreed to do it. I'm now questioning my sanity! Haven't done any speedwork since the State 3000m in mid November. 9:15 will hurt. Still, nothing to lose so I'll give it a shot.


  1. Good Luck to you and good luck to Keith, 9m15 at 3K will demolish the World Record!!

  2. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Why don't you pace him for 3ks then try to get elusive victory in the final 2ks that you couldn't manage in 2010 :)
    Only joking Tom - before your brother gives me a serve?

  3. Hi Tim,

    I had to look up the expression 'to give someone a serve' on the web. Apparently, it's an Australian expression for to give somebody a hard time. Not appropriate here as I fully agree with what you're saying regarding Tom and his easy-going attitude of late. He's become all modest and lost the fire in his belly.
    Pathetic really ...
    He'll be taking up golf next!
