Wednesday, January 05, 2011

5000m Blacktown

Turned up with the sole aim of pacing Keith through 3000m in 9:15 to set him up for a crack at the 55+ world record of 15:36. That works out at 74s per lap so was aiming for 73's, realizing that if you look for 74's you'll end up with 74.5 etc, and pretty soon you're 3 seconds over.

Warmed up with Keith and Wayne Bulloch and the conditions were perfect - cool, light drizzle and no wind. The race was supposed to be a combined 3000m/5000m but because the record attempt was on they had to separate them. Luckily, we got to go first. Was pretty nervous at the start but set off and settled into the pace very quickly, feeling pretty comfortable through 1km in 3:05, spot on. Bit tougher for the second km but again bang on 6:10. Tougher again for the third where I was starting to suffer but went through in 9:16 making way for Keith. Keith went on to smash the record in 15:29, a great result.

I stopped at 3km, one of the officials asked if I was pulling out but I was worried I might disqualify Keith or something if I did so I told her I was just having a breather. She looked a bit bemused so I started jogging around the final 5 laps in lane 2. Soon started to feel ok again so picked up the pace and ended in 17:00 or maybe just under, so not a bad workout in the end.

Forgot to mention that I turned up just in time to see the Tiger run his 800m which he did looking very strong and finishing in a pb of 1:57.7. Well done mate. Glad I didn't have any money on that one.

10pm all up.


  1. Great work Tom!

    It must give you a real kick to be part of something like that. What an inspiration that guy is!

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Terrific effort Tommy well done! ditto Keith!!!sKeith!!!
    Dave S.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Well done Tom. Great support role and a good hi out for you. There is hope for us older chaps. 15.29!

  4. Fantastic result for Keith! Well done to him. I could only manage 1km at that pace.

  5. If you had stayed with Keith for the last 2k you would have had a 10 sec PB. Have to keep the Tiger honest next month.

  6. Hey Tom,
    As you were pacing I wouldn't notch it up against you in the 'head to head'.
    Things could look really bad by the end of the year as it is!

  7. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Thanks Tom, i'm pretty relieved. It's only taken 6 years and 15x in the 1:58's to finally break through :)

    A couple more 400's and 800's before our 5km bet. Since xmas i've snuck in a couple of high volume weeks and you're obviously closer to form than your previous entries suggested, should be pretty close to 30sec i reckon.

    Love Tiger
