Tuesday, January 18, 2011

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Another nice warm day, another huge crowd. Young Timmy appeared to have had a wardrobe malfunction and showed up with a running vest that stopped a good 3 inches above the top of his shorts, exposing some pale stomach, the poor fella. Must have got confused with the heat buttons on the washing machine. He mentioned something about it being what all the boys are wearing down at the Boy Charlton Pool but I didn't quite catch it.

Legs felt very heavy for the first few reps running with Tucks, Quentin, Dicky H and the rapidly improving John from Morgan Stanley. We were basically doing gate to gates due to the open air cinema being set up, finishing 10s short of the gates for the first couple of reps but gradually getting closer. So about 3:25-3:28 pace. Then for the final 6 reps (when the leg heaviness had gone and I'd got into the rythmn) we were doing gate to gates, which I finally worked out to be 3:18 pace after half an hour of basic maths. Ray had popped up as a pacemaker for these few reps. Struggled to keep with the boys on rep 11, then suddenly came good and felt great on the final rep chasing Andy who had bolted and went on to run 2:43 for the 909m gate to gate (3:01 pace). So maybe Thurston was right about the 17 days.

I should mention Andy who once again was doing secret training before turning up for reps 13 and 14 to show us just how fast he can run them. Some strange behaviour going on with our distance-loving genial Englishman. I can foresee burglar activity in the near future.

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