Monday, January 17, 2011

17 days

I remember a while back Wildman telling me that he knew he was on a good run and getting back into things if he could manage 17 consecutive days running. It was probably just idle talk and at the time I didn't think that was much, but despite all the training I do there have been very few, if any, occasions that I've managed it. Seem to be keen on my rest days. But I've run every day of 2011 and it's the 17th today. Can't say I feel stupendously different, but the running is going very well and I've lost weight despite stuffing my face at every opportunity.

Today was the usual Monday 15.8km route run very slowly in the midday 30C heat. Big crowd of MC, French Ben, Andy, Dicky H, Ray, Luke, Laura, Craig and Springer. 36:12 at half way and 1:10:17 all up.

I'm up to 20th spot on the Vets waitlist for Six Foot. Those cripples need to start bailing...

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