Thursday, November 04, 2010

Tamed by the Tiger!

Headed out with the Tiger to Centennial where we saw Young Timmy who offered words of encouragement and then jogged over to ES Marks joined by Tom Hurley for the 2000m time trial. The track wasn't as bad as I remembered it but there was a bit of Sydney afternoon wind down the back straight so conditions weren't ideal.

Plan was to go out and run 70s laps and see how we felt. Tiger would do the first, me the second, Tom the third and then whoever had the legs. Was feeling a bit nervous by now but Tiger took us out in perfect timing of a 69.8 first lap - felt very comfortable as if I was clipping his heels. Then I took over and it wasn't so comfortable. Went through 800m in 2:21/2:22. Stepped aside and Tom took over and by this lap I was starting to feel it. Went through 1km in 2:56/2:57 (at which point I was thinking I'm going to struggle to get under 6 mins), Tom then stepped aside at 1200m and Tiger took over and I was starting to hang off the back. I used a lot of effort getting around Tom just before 1400m and on to Tiger's shoulder but he then upped the pace into the wind and gapped me. I think I must have gone through 1500m in 4:25 (not too far off my PB!) and by now was just trying to maintain the gap with the Tiger and hold off Tom. Stayed this way over the whole of the final lap to finish just in front of Tom in 5:51. Tiger ran 5:47.

Felt pretty good after so feeling more confident for the State 3000m next week. Having said that, McMillan gives a 5:51 2000m a 9:10 for 3000m. Pretty sure I'm in better shape than that. But we shall see.


  1. Nice try but you weren't trying hard enough. Apparently, a 3 man time trial isn't a big enough occasion for you to pull out all the stops. Having read about the form you're in at the moment, I'm predicting a fast race for JPM and the 3k.
    Let's face it your heart wasn't in it when you started that trial and when you saw the Tiger ahead after 1500m you pretty much gave up...

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Truthy says
    Did you notice you both landed exactly in the middle of my predicted ranges? Although, if i knew the smooth moving Tom Hurley was along for the ride, i would've incorrectly predicted him to give you older gents a spanking.

    Impressive hit out Tom, i predict 8.48 and a pb for you next week.
