Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Easy Wed

Rocked up for the usual run to Kincoppal and back to find Wildman showing up for a run. Select crowd alongside him including Simon, Brendan, RMR and a couple of others. Turned around after 30:30 and got back in 61:05 as I'm still keen to drop the mileage this week. Very easy. Hardest thing was coping with the hangover after celebrating yesterday's big win in the Melbourne Cup.

Tiger's lined up a 2km time trial for tomorrow afternoon at ES Marks which should be interesting. We've got $50 on the head to head after choosing 2km as the point of equilibrium between our respective running abilities.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    About time something interesting happened on this blog.

    This could be a classic match race, endurance vs speed, Sydney's C Grade version of Coe vs Ovett.

    If you make your move at 1000m-1200m you can get him, when he blows up it's worse than The Hindenburg. Anything could happen, Tiger 5.35-6.00, Tom 5.45-5.55.

    Love Truthy

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    My Money is on Coe Tom to tame the Tiger, Don't think Tiger can break sub 6 minutes?
    Channel 9 camera's were setting up this morning for the big race, and the masses were already lined up along Anzac Parade in anticipation? :)
