Sunday, October 10, 2010

Manly Loops Sunday

3 x 10km Manly loops this afternoon after a morning at Nippers. Set off and knew it was going to be a struggle from the first km but decided to hold the pace steady and just hope I started to feel better later on. That never materialized. Fortunately, I bumped into Dicky H completely randomly at 17km and ran with him for the next 7km which got me through the worst bit. Then just held on for the final 7km. Bad stomach cramps at the end which were only dealt with by a carton of strawberry flavoured Oak. I remember someone telling me that stuff is as good as any sports protein drink when I was wandering around Coles a bit later.

10km loops were run in 44:17, 44:35 and 44:22 so at least the pace was consistent. 31km all up and a big weekend.

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