Saturday, October 09, 2010

Hardcore Saturday

Decided to try a session I read about in R4YL. Chloe Tighe wrote that one of her hard sessions was a tempo, followed by 8 hills, followed by a tempo. It's designed to replicate the feeling of running the latter part of races on tired legs. Sounded good so my version of it was 5km fast, 8 x Suwarrow hills (finishing at the large drain) followed by 5km fast. Gave myself 4 mins rest in between. About half way through I realised that this was going to be a monster session. 18km all up including warm up and warm down.

Times went as follows:

17:36 (laps of 8:49 and 8:47)

67, 67, 66, 66, 66, 64, 65, 64

17:31 (laps of 8:51 and 8:40)

Really pleased with the second 5km. I was tired after the hills and just hoping to get near 9 minutes on the first lap. When I saw the time I just pushed on.

Great session.


  1. Good session Tom. Sue Hobson has that session in her marathon training program on the Canberra site. 2.5k/5x100m hills/2.5k. Tempo/hills/tempo. Did it once, couldn't handle the tempo back though.

  2. Great consistent session Tom but don't think it's going to help you beat Clarky at JP Morgan

  3. You're right mate. He's the favourite. Just hope to make some money off the Tiger 3 days prior so I can pay you...
