Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday MLR

Usual Wednesday route with Andy, JB, MC, Dicky H, Aus, chick called Laura James (6th in Sutho to Surf at the weekend), RMR and a couple of others. Wet and cold. Easy on the way out. I ran a bit quicker up Heartbreak Hill to find everyone else had turned early. Caught them up then ran back with Andy and JB. Much quicker on the way back (85:05 in total after turning on 44:50) and was quite tired.

Had a Tiger massage this afternoon and have put some money on young Timmy to show him a clean pair of heels at Lane Cove on Saturday. Gary then tried to bet me I wouldn't beat Keith at C2S, but I was far too sensible to take that one. Young Keith just has too much form at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Timmy and I are the Gladiators yet again performing for the amusement of the ruling class. Apologies that Tim keeps getting dragged into our bets, but he is the only guy Tom trusts with his money, apparently he won't even back himself. Let's give him a good show Tim, see you out there.
    Cheers, Tiger
