Thursday, July 29, 2010

HuRTS 4 x 2km

Really didn't want to do this today. Had an excuse list as long as my arm. Yesterday was a big day with core strength with Carl in the morning, a long run at lunch and a massage in the afternoon. I then didn't drink enough water to flush out all the toxins and so woke up very stiff and sore this morning. I was tired, both physically and mentally after the last 3 weeks. So toyed with the idea of a jog, but then told myself not to be such a soft bastard and just get out there.

So rocked up (late) to join MC, Tucks, Dom, Timmy C, Milli Vanilli, Ray, LF Charlie, RMR and others for the tough 4 x 2km session. We split into two groups and our group took the 2 minute rest off Dom's finishing time so I was getting about 2:30 rest. Reps went as follows:


So another good consistent session in the end - I think we must have had a favourable wind on the return reps. Had Tucks just behind on rep one, Ray pushed reps 2 and 3 and gave the others a start on rep 4 to give me something to chase. That makes it a hell of a lot easier than running at the front by yourself - the 4th rep felt best. Dom was running well so will be interesting to see what he does at C2S.

Pleased to have run those times on tired legs. Need to be careful though as the last time I ran this session tired (then went out for drinks) I caught the flu and was out for 4 weeks. I've got an End of Financial Year drinks function this evening...

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