Thursday, July 22, 2010

HuRTS Mona Fartlek

Despite MC trying to hijack the session with some poxy long jog, we had a good turnout of JB, Kanser, Andy, Ray, Clyde, JF, Brendan, Dougall, RMR, Dom etc for one of the original sessions. Some suggest this session isn't tough enough so I stressed to everyone beforehand that the floats are not jogs or recoveries and that the overall pace for the 20mins should be 10km pace, so the fast sections are 5km pace.

Then had to practice what I'd preached so set off hard with the intention of reaching the Stone Gates. JB and Ray went with me. We almost got into the virtuous circle of reaching the top of the hills on the floats. Ray dropped off at 7mins to run back with Kanser leaving me and JB to carry on. We reached the Stone Gates with 8secs to spare and set off back. I was just holding on to JB on the final two 60s sections but felt better on the 30s intervals. JB dropped off half way around Farm Cove and I ended up half way along the side of the Opera House.

Another good, hard session. I've only reached the Stone Gates when I've been really fit (June and September/October 2008) so it's a good sign. It was quite blustery out there today too. I think it works out as averaging 3:22's for the whole thing. 3km warm up and warm down for 12km all up. 220km for the past 2 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Nice work Tom - Good to see your getting back to your best again, I ony wish I was fit enough to reach the stone gates. Really missing these sessions with the Hurts squad - gotta try and get motivated to run again. - all the best Muz
