Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pain, Pain and more Pain

Last Friday was a gentle 6km with Springer.

Monday took the kids to training at Narrabeen track with Tony Wong and the young Striders. Ran 5 x 800m which was fine as it was nice and easy. But then we all did some handicapped sprints and I got carried away trying to catch the 9yr olds. Woke up the next morning in a bit of pain. This was exacerbated by seeing Dr Kuah at lunchtime and having my first autologous blood injection into my achilles. It was very painful. It was almost as painful as massages with JLP. Lesser men would have cried. Struggled to walk yesterday and marginally better today. Will give it 5 days complete rest then start the eccentric loading from scratch building up over 10 days. Determined to beat this injury.

Realised I've been drinking too much without the threat of a run the next day to curb my enthusiasm so have decided to go dry during the week. I'm up to 68.2kgs. Could kill a beer.

1 comment:

  1. Man I know how you feel on both fronts! Never ending cycle of injury leading to seeking solace in excessive beerage! Hope things come good for you, as I'm afraid my return to running was a little premature, so its back to push ups and rowing for me for another month - Happy Days! - NOT!
