Thursday, June 18, 2009

Haglund's Syndrome

I'm convinced this is what I've got. Sounds better than "insertional achilles tendinopathy" as well. Have done so much on the achilles but the swelling never comes down unless I take anti-inflammatories. All the stuff I read on the net suggests that's more of an indication of bursitis. I've plainly had achilles tendinopathy as well as that is what the ultrasound showed. Haglund's Syndrome is where you get retrocalcaneal bursitis (what I was originally diagnosed with) and insertional achilles tendinopathy (what I was subsequently diagnosed with) at the same time.

Achilles seems to be getting under control (from what Gary said yesterday) so I'm going to attack the bursitis with NSAIDS.

Getting lazy on the exercise front. Nothing all of last week while hobbling around following the blood injection. Rode in and out on Monday but too wet Tues, Wed and today.

Have gone long on Timmy L at Gold Coast and short on the Tiger. Need Kanser to make sure he gets Timmy out for a couple of hard sessions this weekend. I reckon it could be pretty close in the run in but no-one's got more guts than Timmy L....


  1. I prefer tendonopathy. A syndrome sounds like a nuclear accident. My money is on Mr L.

  2. Lindop will run over the top of Tiger at about 18k....

  3. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Blogger "Superflake said...

    I prefer tendonopathy. A syndrome sounds like a nuclear accident. My money is on Mr L."

    Paul, does this mean you are down for $50 as well?


  4. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Good prognosis Kanser, Tim is very strong, that'd be my prediction as well. Are you in the half as well?

  5. Tiger, I am going to hang tough in Sydney and get some training in. Looking at the C2S. It will be very close between yourself and Timmy and I'm looking forward to saying that if you want to take me on in the half I am willing to pop up and race against you. It won't be for $50...are u willig to push the wager will have to be worth my while..

  6. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I'm really looking forward to it, Tim and i always have good battles, this season we've been quite close in all 3 races, Homebush, SMH and North Head. Judging by the confidence from you and Tom, Tim must be training well, so i hope we can both push each other to fast times.

    I'm not silly enough to bet against you in a half yet Dave, possibly next year. At this stage i know you'd get me easily. If you want another bet against me, feel free to join Tom, he has backed Durante for $50 to beat me in a 150m early next track season???

    Hope mum and bub are well and you're getting plenty of sleep. Enjoy the prep for City to Surf.

    Cheers, Tiger

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Hey Tiger, These two have more money then sense i reckon. Good job Kanser's baby is not on solids just yet....I'd hate to be held responsible for Dave not been able to put food on the table for her after losing his money:)
    good luck leading up to the race and sure we'll have a good drink after.

  8. Anonymous1:42 PM

    you are bluffing Tim, it's always race on between us.

    regardless, i'll meet you for post race beers. i want to see some more of your dance floor action this year.
    cheers, tiger

  9. Anonymous8:54 PM


    I see the Tiger ran a 58.47 16k run today (3.40 pace) so like i told you he's looking good,despite taking a tumble on the way as well i hear? - try to get out of that bet if i were you, no way i can get anywhere near 3.40 pace:)
    Congrats tiger on 3rd place as well.
