Thursday, April 02, 2009


Thanks Tim and Dave for the offers of bikes, but couldn't turn down the opportunity of heading out to buy a new toy. Bought an Orbea Aneto, felt pretty light and looked pretty cool so that did it for me. Rode home tonight. Took about the same time it takes me to run home with all the stopping at lights. Got down Parriwi Rd at bit quicker though. Photo of when I reached home is above. Also added a few photos from Kangaroo Valley.

Gents, you're spot on about the head to heads. I wasn't sleeping at night.
Good luck to all those racing at Lane Cove on Saturday - expect to see Durante sub 33 and MC sub 35. Also good luck to Jamie on his sub 3 marathon attempt in Paris. Wish I could tell you what you have to do...


  1. Thanks for the encouragement Tom. I'll do my best.
    Watch out for the new bike though - it looks as though there's some nasty radiation emanating from the gear shifts on the handlebars.

  2. You need some lycra!

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    To go with the lycra you also need to shave the legs.
