Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HuRTS - 45mins Fartlek but out for a while

Tough session but a fair crowd and towards the start Durante, Clyde and I broke clear with Serg for a while before Serg eased back to Muz, Kanser and Richard High with MC leading a large bus further back. We kept the pace pretty honest throughout, turning about 100m short of the furthest we've previously reached. Ran back all the way with them until the hills at Mrs Macquarie's Chair where Durante pushed ahead and Clyde tried to stay with him. I floundered like a lost soul. Eventually got reached 2 lamp posts short of the Stone Gates. Clyde was 1 lamp post short - he's plainly been fooling everyone as to his level of fitness. Durante reached the Stone Gates with a few seconds to spare. I reckon he'll go 32:XX at Lane Cove on Saturday if he doesn't kill himself on Thursday. Given Hickson Rd is scheduled, that is not a given.

Then went to see the doc and got the news I was expecting. Continue the eccentric loading, apply Nitrogen patches (I've already got them from the chemists) and use the Strassburg sock which I've also bought. But no running until May 6th (5 weeks) when I see him next. I'll start riding to work and back and will go swimming.

Realistically I'll need 3 months ramp up time again so I won't do Gold Coast (at least not the marathon) but will see whether Sydney is a possibility instead. If all thinks sort themselves out properly, first competitive race will likely be City to Surf where I'll try to retain that Seeded Start.


  1. Sorry to hear about the enforced rest Tom. I'll be able to hold the Highnam marathon record for while longer at least.
    I would do interval training for the swimming if you want to work your heart properly. You'll find cycling works other muscles and doesn't push your heart rate anywhere near as high as running.

  2. Strassburg sock, you poor man.
    I think you just got scared about the head to head scoreboard!

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    But who's Blog do I go to now to give me the motivation to get going again ?

    Take it easy mate enjoy the rest.


  4. I think Tucks is right, Tom didn't fancy taking me on in the GC and with Durante, Clyde even Serg making rapid improvements he didn't fancy the one on one battles..

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Sorry to hear it Tom. However, I can say from experience, that 5 weeks out is far better than 2 years!

    It might be a good excuse to come back to training with a focus on a 5km PB - the kms from the past few months won't entirely desert you after 5 weeks' rest.


  6. Bad luck Tom. Hope the heel enjoys the rest and you can come back stronger.

  7. "Nitrogen patches"!
    Tough Luck Tom, how about trying the 100 push up challenge whilst your out?
    5 weeks is nothing! You'll be fully back to fitness in 4 weeks (subject to injury clearing up)

  8. I have an exercise bike if you want it
