Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yet another easy 10km

Same route as yesterday. Felt great today though - finally feel as though I've recovered from the tough training of the past few weeks and looking forward to getting back into it again. 42:07 today. Speeded up the whole way around. 6:15 for the mile along Manly Beach. Most interesting part of the run was overtaking a bloke walking along Pittwater Road. As I did, he spun around with his fists raised as if he was about to clock me. It was pretty impressive although his left fist was a bit low. I took it as a good sign as I obviously wasn't breathing too heavily before I overtook him.

Thanks to everyone for the messages. Maggie is doing well - lost less than 10% of bodyweight in the first 4 days and now feeding pretty well.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Congratulations Tom and family - Look happens when I don't read your blog for a few days !

    cheers, Steve (26)
