Monday, June 04, 2007

Substitute Sunday

Results showed I ran 13:04 at the State Relays. About 15 seconds down on what I hoped for (Chadi E ran 12:48 and Adam Laughlin 12:52. Ray ran 13:04 too and then backed up with a 13:11) but probably what I expected given how I felt on the day.

AM - 14km run to work. Back very sore for the first 7km - affecting the breathing so that I could only take shallow breaths. Otherwise very easy. 28:14 at Spit Junction and 59:39 all up.

Lunchtime - easy 14km run around Balls Head with Mike, Richard P, Ray and Tim Lindop. 59:48. Popped two Voltaren beforehand and the back felt much easier.

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