Saturday, June 02, 2007

State X-Country Relays

Ran 4th leg for the A team with Glenn, Ray and Ewen. Really like the atmosphere at these ANSW events (I went on about it in detail posting following Novice) and particularly where it's a relay. But from a competitive point of view, running 4th leg is like running a 4km time trial. Felt as though I pushed it as hard as I could but with no-one to chase and no-one chasing, it's tough. You see that from the times in interval training when you have a good bunch to run with.

No individual results yet but we came 6th - maybe 5th Open team as one of the teams in front looked as though it was an under-20 team. I had a really sore back all the way around - particularly trying to accelerate after the tight corners. It was caused trying to shift my old TV down 2 flights of stairs last night. Will be interesting to see how the individual times compare as most of the people who ran Novice were there.

1 comment:

  1. Off the hand written lists. Fats 13:29, Guz 12:05, Ewen 13:40(?), Craig Dunn 13:35, Me 14:55, Dog 15:02,Dave Bray 15:50(?), Ron 14:55. Missed yours, Ray and Horrie. I think open A we were 5th.
